The Kat Life

how I'm choosing to live my best life

5 Things That Help Me Fall Asleep
Katherine Moon
Katherine Isabella Moon
Meow, hello there, my name is Katherine, but you can call me Kat; because I basically am a cat. Anyways, I am a 26-year-old, lifestyle blogger, with an INFP-T personality type, from the United States. I love fashion, the color pink, cats, dogs, and spending all my time on my computer. I'm often seen wearing cat ears headbands.
Welcome To The Kat Life
The Kat Life is a lifestyle blog where I write about... pretty much anything lifestyle related, or that I'm passionate about! A lot of the time I write about health & fitness, staying organized, finding motivation, and self-improvement. I also like to use my blog to share my story and my own experiences, in hopes that my some of experiences may help someone else (or maybe even provide a laugh or two). Aside from that, I may also sprinkle in some fashion, beauty, food, and design posts from time to time as well! My blog is a little of a mixed bag, but... so is my life, haha.
The Kat Life
The Kat Life

how I'm choosing to live my best life

5 Things That Help Me Fall Asleep
8 Things To Know When Starting A Fitness Journey
6 Reasons To Start Your New Year's Resolutions Early
10 Ways To Celebrate Halloween At Home
10 Ways To Enjoy Autumn At Home
My Likes And Dislikes About Autumn
How I Embraced Being An "Outcast"
My Message To Those Who Feel Like Outcasts
13 Ways To Become More Confident
6 Negative Thoughts You May Have Post-Breakup
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